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Autor: Peter Karper

This article will cover the following points:

- Origin of the name
- Blooming period of ivy
- Characteristics of ivy
- Symbolism & meaning
- Care instructions
- Occasions for gifting
- Greeting card text templates
- Example bouquets with ivy

Additionally, a detailed text about ivy will follow at the end, should you want to explore the topic further.

Origin of the Name

The name ivy comes from Old High German and means "driving force".

This name highlights the rapid growth with which ivy climbs over walls and other obstacles. Ivy can be found in many corners of cities, as well as in gardens where it feels at home. So if you want to add this driving beauty to your garden, it’s relatively easy to achieve!

Blooming Period

Ivy typically blooms between May and June.

However, the blooming period of ivy can vary by region and also depends on the weather. Ivy blooms best under warm, sunny weather and in moist soils. To extend the blooming period of ivy, it is important to regularly fertilize the soil and water it as needed.

During the blooming period, ivy produces individual white, spikyflowers that turn into blue berries as they mature.


Ivy is a widespread plant found in many parts of Europe, North America, and Asia.

It prefers moist and semi-shaded areas, where it is often found climbing walls, rocks, or trees. These enduring plants can grow up to 20 meters high and can even cover large buildings.

Characteristics of Ivy

You might have heard of the beautiful plant Astrantia but are not exactly sure what makes it special. Here, you'll learn more about this beautiful plant.

Here are some of the characteristics that make Astrantia so special:


1. Leaves: The leaves are dark green and form 3-5 lobes.

2. Occurrence in Europe: Common Ivy (Hedera helix) is the most widespread in Europe.

3. Adaptable: Ivy is an adaptable plant used as an annual or perennial climbing plant.

4. Size: Can grow up to 20 meters high with new anchor points.

5. Diversity: Due to its adaptability, ivy is available in various forms.

Symbolism and Meaning of Ivy

Ivy is a plant that holds a specialmeaning for many people.

It symbolically represents perseverance and strength as well as a long and healthy life. In many cultures, ivy leaves are known as symbols of values such as loyalty, hope, and friendship.

Ivy can also be seen as a symbol of balance and harmony. It helps us better understand ourselves and gives us strength and courage during difficult times. With its constantly regenerating colors and lush green that never loses vitality and dynamism, ivy is a welcome addition to any green space.

Care Guide for Ivy

In general, ivy follows the same care instructions as most other flowers.

Therefore, you should definitely read our flower care blog post.

The tips and tricks from this guide will help you further.

Occasions for Sending Ivy

There are many occasions to send ivy. Ivy symbolizes prosperity and fertility, making it a thoughtful gift for the birth of a child or when moving into a new house. It’s also a lovely gesture for other special occasions, such as anniversaries or birthdays. Sending ivy shows the recipient that you are thinking of them and looking forward to a long and successful partnership.

Ivy pairs well with other flowers for anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, romantic occasions, and mourning, as well as all kinds of special occasions.

Card Text Templates for Sending Ivy

Here are some card text ideas you can use when sending ivy. Simply copy and paste them into your card.

Version 1.

Dear [Name],

You are like ivy. No matter how many challenges you face, your courage and patience will help you overcome all obstacles and achieve your goals. Never let your dreams be hindered!

I am always thinking of you.

With love,
[Your Name]

Version 2.

Dear [Name],

We have a special connection like ivy and wall - whether it’s wind or rain, stormy times or long separations. This love binds us together and makes our relationship unbreakable.

I know it, and you know it too.

With love,
[Your Name]