FAQs for Flowers-Deluxe.de

Can I order flowers for the same day at Flowers-Deluxe.de?

Yes, Flowers-Deluxe.de offers the option to order flowers for the same day. For orders placed by a certain time (please check the exact times on our website), we guarantee delivery on the same day within Germany.

How can I track my order at Flowers-Deluxe.de?

After placing an order, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. With this number, you can check the delivery status of your flowers on our website under the "Track Order" section.

Does Flowers-Deluxe.de offer a freshness guarantee for delivered flowers?

Yes, at Flowers-Deluxe.de, the quality and freshness of the flowers are a top priority. We offer a freshness guarantee of at least 7 days from the delivery date, so you can be sure that your flowers are fresh and in the best condition upon arrival.

Can I send flowers internationally with Flowers-Deluxe.de?

Yes, Flowers-Deluxe.de also offers international flower delivery. For more information about the available countries and respective shipping costs, please visit the "International Shipping" section on our website.

What payment methods are accepted on Flowers-Deluxe.de?

Flowers-Deluxe.de accepts various payment methods, including credit card (Visa, MasterCard), PayPal, instant bank transfer, and advance payment.

How can I contact customer service at Flowers-Deluxe.de?

Our customer service is available via email, phone, and through our contact form on the website. The exact contact information can be found in the "Contact" section on our website.

Can I change or cancel my order at Flowers-Deluxe.de after it has been placed?

To cancel a flower delivery, it is required to notify us at least 24 hours or one business day before the scheduled delivery date.

Does Flowers-Deluxe.de offer gift options as well?

Yes, in addition to flowers, we also offer a selection of gifts such as chocolates, teddy bears, and greeting cards that you can add to your order. Visit our website to see all available options.

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