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Bouquet of flowers charismaBouquet of flowers charisma
Bouquet of flowers charisma
The Radiance bouquet from FlowersDeluxe was designed and presented by our florists as a loving rose creation. The highlights of the bouquet include roses in red, cream and pink. This bouquet is an absolute premium bouquet and is guaranteed to make the recipient's heart beat faster. Large-headed roses in different colours This bouquet is dominated by large-headed roses. This makes this bouquet look particularly elegant. Beautifully crafted with matching greenery, this bouquet is freshly tied by the local florist and delivered in person.

From €52.95*
Loving rosesLoving roses
Loving roses
Send loving roses here A bouquet of beautiful loving roses! In this bouquet you will find both small spray roses and standard size roses in perfectly coordinated romantic colours. A great bouquet that says "I love you" in a tender way!

From €43.95*
Bouquet of roses all my loveBouquet of roses all my love
Bouquet of roses all my love
Send a bouquet of roses & give the gift of love A classic bouquet of red roses contrasted with bright white freesia flowers and ornamental greenery. This bouquet of roses will be delivered personally by a local florist. Included is a free greeting card where you can leave a few kind words for the recipient. A bouquet of roses with white accents that is suitable for Valentine's Day, a wedding anniversary, a bridal bouquet or a love anniversary. Surprise your loved one with a beautiful bouquet of roses from FlowersDeluxe! Our local florists will help you get to the heart of your feelings.

From €44.95*
Heartbreaker - Bouquet of red rosesHeartbreaker - Bouquet of red roses
Heartbreaker - Bouquet of red roses
Romantic bouquet of roses - long-length red roses The bouquet speaks for itself: a large bouquet of long-lasting red roses! Show your sweetheart how important the love between you is to you. Suitable occasions: love & romance, Valentine's Day, anniversary, wedding anniversary.

From €47.95*
Colourful bouquet of rosesColourful bouquet of roses
Colourful bouquet of roses
Colourful bouquet of roses Your rose bouquet consists of colourful roses in yellow, orange and red. A bouquet of roses full of energy and joie de vivre to send. This bouquet of roses is hand-tied by a local florist and delivered personally. The vase shown is not included in the price. Simply order the vase at the same time.

From €107.95*
Dream roses orangeDream roses orange
Dream roses orange
Deluxe orange rose bouquet A masterpiece consisting of wonderful orange roses. Long-stemmed premium roses in orange that really come into their own with large heads.

From €89.99*
Rosenherz Ti Amo versenden
Rose heart Ti amo
The "Ti amo" rose heart from Flowers Deluxe is a unique and romantic heart-shaped flower arrangement that leaves an unforgettable impression with its fresh roses, lush greenery and delicate leaves. The heart is available in three sizes and can be personalised with a greeting card. It is the perfect gift idea for a special occasion, such as Valentine's Day, a wedding anniversary or simply to show someone you love them. The "Ti amo" rose heart is a real eye-catcher and is sure to enchant your loved one.

Strauß aus 7 Rosen in apricot
Roses in apricot
Send a bouquet of apricot roses A beautifully bright bouquet of roses in apricot as a classic rose bouquet lovingly tied by a florist and delivered personally. Our apricot rose bouquet is a beautiful and romantic way to show someone your love and affection. This bouquet contains carefully selected roses in a soft apricot colour that creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. Each bouquet is hand-tied by our experienced team of florists and carefully arranged to create a stunning visual experience. The roses are of the highest quality and are delivered in a fresh state for the recipient to enjoy in all their splendour. Whether you want to give someone special for a birthday, anniversary or just as a surprise, these rose bouquets are the perfect choice. We also offer the option to add a personalised message to express your feelings even more. With Flowers-Deluxe, you can be sure that you are sending a high-quality and unforgettable gift that will be remembered by your recipient for a long time. Order today and let us deliver your apricot rose bouquets directly to the recipient's door!

From €46.95*
bouquet of white rosesbouquet of white roses
bouquet of white roses
White rose bouquet - give the gift of elegance This bouquet of roses is simply tied and consists of white roses arranged with leaves and grasses. White roses are a real eye-catcher for a wedding anniversary - in any room. Give this bouquet of white roses as a gift with a personalised greeting. What do white roses mean? As the queen of all flowers, the rose is said to have a different meaning depending on its colour. Meaning of the white rose: loyalty and dignity

Bouquet of yellow rosesBouquet of yellow roses
Bouquet of yellow roses
Yellow roses tied as a bouquet. A bouquet of yellow roses, loosely and roundly tied. The florist will include detailed care instructions and a bag of flower food.Give this fresh, bright bouquet of yellow roses as a congratulatory gift, as a thank you or simply as an occasional gift.

From €37.50*
Rosenstrauß in pinkPinker Strauß aus Rosen
Pink HIT
A rose dream in pink! Send this bouquet of roses for Mother's Day, as a gift to your sweetheart or just because. Send blooming greetings with roses in pink here online. NOTE: The illustration is only a sample bouquet. No quantity is indicated. The florist responsible will tie the bouquet depending on the season and region.

From €43.95*
Flower bouquet graceWeißer Blumenstrauß mit Rosen und Schleierkraut
Flower bouquet grace
A wonderfully bold bouquet with willow catkins, elegant greenery and delicate white roses!

Rose bouquet EleganteRose bouquet Elegante
Rose bouquet Elegante
Elegante rose bouquet - a combination of red roses and white calla lilies A wonderfully elegant combination! Classic red roses combined with stylish white calla lilies, original and timeless. Simply order online here. red roses white calla lilies Delivery from a local florist

From €54.95*
Pink dreamPink dream
Pink dream
Rosa Träumerei - Bouquet in pink A beautiful bouquet in pink. This bouquet consists of pink and cream-coloured roses. This impressive bouquet is accompanied by lisianthus, carnations and bear grass in loops.

From €47.50*
Bouquet of roses Je t`aimeBouquet of roses Je t`aime
Bouquet of roses Je t`aime
Bouquet of white roses with a red rose in the centre. A beautiful creation of white roses with a single red rose queen in the centre! This unique bouquet of roses "Je táime" is an impressive gift for many occasions.

Bouquet of roses Red Diamond Deluxe (60cm)
Bouquet of roses Red Diamond Deluxe (60cm)
Order Red Diamond Deluxe rose bouquet online Red Naomi, or as we affectionately call them"Red Diamonds", are wonderful red roses with a total length of approx. 60cm per rose. A bunch of 15 roses makes a large bouquet that is unique in its rose splendour and lives up to the name of the Red Diamond bouquet. Order a premium rose bouquet here and give the gift of royal roses with FlowersDeluxe. Large-headed blooms like diamonds, a deep red colour like the colour of love and a wonderful fragrance characterise the unique high quality of the Red Naomi. A beautiful bouquet of roses that says more than a thousand words and does justice to the occasion. Individual enquiries are of course possible and will be answered as quickly as possible.

From €31.95*

Discover and Send Bouquets

Our diverse selection offers a wide range of floral masterpieces, allowing you to conveniently send flowers online. The rose symbolizes love and appreciation. It makes an ideal gift for expressing love on Valentine's Day, showing special appreciation and gratitude, or simply bringing a little joy. Our variety ensures you'll find the perfect bouquet for any occasion.

Choose your favorite from the comfort of your home and use our online service to send a large bouquet to the desired address. All our luxurious roses are of the highest quality, selected with care and arranged into beautiful bouquets. Looking for a colorful bouquet? We have that too.

Colorful Bouquets: Roses in Different Colors and Variations

With our bouquets, you can choose the perfect compositions and colors. Whether you're interested in red roses for love, cream-colored roses for purity and youth, or pink roses for joy, you can easily browse our selection online and order your bouquet along with a vase if desired.

From a classic bouquet to a colorful arrangement, each bouquet is individually and lovingly arranged by a florist. We guarantee fresh, high-quality flowers. Whether you're looking for something for a loved one, family, friends, colleagues, or anyone special, you'll find the right bouquet here. If you can't find the perfect rose bouquet, check out our other flower assortments.

Create Custom Bouquets with Personalized Messages

At FlowersDeluxe, you can customize your chosen bouquet with a personal message or a custom greeting card. Roses are always a great choice and will surely surprise and delight the recipient. The joy of receiving roses is priceless.

Order your bouquet now and enjoy it. A bouquet of roses is a timeless way to express love, not just in 2024 but for countless years. Don't wait long; order a bouquet and surprise your partner! A beautiful bouquet is perfect for expressing love and passion, with white roses symbolizing innocence and eternal love.

Fresh roses from renowned growers ensure long-lasting quality. Our roses come directly from the grower, guaranteeing freshness. You can find roses in all colors and varieties, whether for an anniversary or a special gift. Bridal bouquets in various pastel colors from our bridal collection are also very popular.

A bouquet of roses is the perfect gift to show gratitude and admiration. The rose varieties we offer are among the most popular and always in trend. Order your fresh bouquet now and add a personal greeting card to give your gift a special touch.

With proper care, such as cutting the stems with a sharp knife and providing the right amount of water, the roses will stay fresh longer. Our bouquets with long stems (60 cm) provide an impressive presentation and are especially beautiful as bridal bouquets or for other special occasions.

Explore the many options for buying roses, whether it's for the Chinese or European market or peonies from May to June. With FlowersDeluxe, you can always be sure that your order will be delivered reliably and you will enjoy your bouquet for a long time.

Flowers, especially roses, symbolize love at first sight and are the perfect gift for any occasion. Order your fresh bouquet today and delight yourself and your loved ones.

Not Interested in Bouquets?

Learn more about flowers in our blog, such as lilies or sunflowers.

Order a Bouquet - The Queen of Flowers

Besides red roses, white roses, or pink roses, roses can be sent for any occasion. Roses are one of the most popular flowers and can be easily ordered from Flowers-Deluxe with a free greeting card.

We cater to all budgets. Whether you're looking for affordable bouquets or premium roses, we have something for you. Choose the right color for the occasion before ordering. We have a detailed guide available here. → Which flowers suit which occasion?

Sending Roses - Red or White Roses Online?

The color of the bouquet you choose depends on your relationship with the recipient. If you're in love or already in a relationship with the recipient, red roses are the right choice. But if you know that their favorite flowers are white roses, it might be better to send a bouquet of their preferred roses.

Order a Bouquet - Find the Perfect Gift at FlowersDeluxe

Our top selection of bouquets is perfect for gifting. Choose the right color, add a free greeting card during checkout, and use our flower delivery service to spread joy across Germany on the same business day. It doesn't always have to be a bouquet of multiple roses; you can also order single roses to be delivered on your desired date.

Sending a Bouquet - Can I Order on Invoice?

Yes, you can conveniently order your bouquet on invoice. With a free 7-day freshness guarantee, there's nothing stopping you from sending a perfect symbol of friendship, love, or affection. Rest assured, our florists will deliver your order even if you haven't paid yet.

Unlike prepayment, your bouquet will be delivered to your loved ones right away.

Shipping Bouquets - Florist or Postal Delivery?

Both options are available. If your order is urgent, our florist can often deliver the bouquet on the same day. We also offer top-quality bouquets via DHL, which you can easily select and send online.

How to Tell if My Bouquet Will Be Delivered by DHL?

On the bouquet's detail page, you'll find an indication of the delivery time. DHL delivery usually takes 1-2 business days, while florist delivery is on the same or the next day. Quality is never compromised; we offer a freshness guarantee of at least 7 days for every bouquet.

Order a Bouquet - Choose from Beautiful Colors

Not only red roses but also yellow roses, orange roses, and pink bouquets are available. Each flower you see here is a beautiful wonder of nature and makes a perfect gift for your loved ones. Our bouquets are delivered fresh and will delight anyone you want to reach with flowers.

Sending Happiness with Roses - FlowersDeluxe Has the Perfect Bouquet

In our premium section, you'll find large bouquets - ordering a luxury bouquet is easy with us. But it doesn't always have to be the deluxe bouquet. On the product page, you can choose from three different sizes. Either way, you'll be sending a portion of happiness with bouquets from Deluxe Roses.

If you want to send happiness, yellow roses are a great choice. They represent warmth and happiness, making them perfect for birthdays, congratulations, or upcoming exams.

For really large bouquets, search for "roses delivery → Deluxe Roses" to find the right bouquet. Simply add the item to your cart and send large joy, including a greeting text, within hours.

Not interested in a bouquet? You can also send a single red rose.

More Categories & Information on Roses: