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Spring Flowers in Spring 2023

Each new year begins with a wonderful spring and, consequently, with spring flowers. The first months of the new year are well behind us, so it's time to look ahead and pursue the new goals set.

Meteorological spring starts on March 1 and lasts for three months. We will also look at the month before and after to get an idea of what happens with spring flowers around this time. Here, we will inform you about the early bloomers.

Spring Flowers in the Most Beautiful Season?

Spring is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Not only does the temperature rise, but the plant world also awakens and blooms in full splendor.

Especially beautiful are the various spring flowers that are found everywhere. The first spring flowers, which can be seen as early as February and March, include snowdrops, crocuses, and winter aconites. They delight us with their bright colors and are a sign that winter is coming to an end.

In April and May, forget-me-nots, primroses, and daisies appear. Daffodils and tulips also become widespread and enhance the appearance of the spring landscape.

For those who want to add more color to their garden, they can also plant some perennials like March cups, star hyacinths, and violets.

These flowers are not only pleasant to look at but also beneficial to nature as they provide a food source for insects. Spring flowers are truly a gift from nature. So let's enjoy the beautiful colors and shapes that spring offers!

February to March Flower World

February is the last month of winter and then transitions into spring, at least meteorologically. The astronomical start of spring in 2023 is not until March 20.

So what happens in the flower world during the transition from February to March?

In February and March, we slowly say goodbye to winter; the snow melts and the snowflakes no longer fall upon us.

Instead, the first spring flowers begin to sprout from the earth, and the winter sleep comes to an end.

Which flowers bloom in March?

In March, many flowers begin to bloom and show their splendor. These blooms are typical for the season:

  • Peonies
  • Tulips
  • Daffodils
  • Iris
  • Hydrangeas