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Autor: Peter Karper


The Poppy belongs to the family of Poppy plants (Papaveraceae) and is found in many regions around the world, particularly in Europe and Asia. There are many different types of poppies, varying in size, shape, and color. The opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is one of the most well-known species and is used in the production of opium. The poppy is native to temperate regions and adapts well to different climatic conditions.

Some types of poppies are biennial and bloom in the second year after sowing. The poppy often has grayish-blue seeds, which are valued for their decorative and culinary uses.

Field Poppy

The Field Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), also known as Papaver rhoeas, is one of the most well-known species and blooms in striking colors such as red, pink, and white. It is often grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and is known for its distinctive, paperypetals. The Field Poppy is especially popular in cottage gardens and is easy to cultivate. There are also varieties with double flowers that are particularly decorative. The Field Poppy is known for its vibrant flower colors and its ability to self-seed.

Blooming Period

The blooming period of the poppy varies depending on the variety and climate. In Central Europe, the poppy blooms from May to July. The flowers can grow up to ten centimeters in size and come in various colors such as red, pink, white, or violet. Some poppy varieties have double flowers that are particularly decorative. The poppy has flowers in different colors ranging from vibrant red to delicate pinks.

Poppy Flowers

Poppy flowers are annuals that grow from poppy seeds and can be sown directly in place. They are light germinators and prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. The blooming period of poppy flowers is between May and July. There are also perennial varieties like the Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale), which can grow in the same location for several years.


The poppy seed is small and should be lightly covered with soil to ensure good germination. Poppy seeds can be sown in either autumn or spring. It is important that the seeds are not buried too deeply as they require light to germinate. The ideal location is sunny and well-drained. Corn poppy seeds are very small and should be sown with care.

Plant Protection

When growing poppy flowers, plant protection is crucial to avoid pests and diseases. Poppy flowers are relatively robust, but waterlogging should be avoided to prevent root rot. A good location and regular monitoring help keep the plants healthy. Poppy plants should be protected from pests like aphids to prevent any negative impact on flower development.

Care of Poppy Flowers

The care of poppy flowers is straightforward. They require minimal attention as long as the soil is well-drained and waterlogging is avoided. Poppy flowers are annual and often self-seed if the seed heads are not removed after flowering. Perennial varieties, such as the Oriental poppy, can remain at a site for three to five years. Flower stems should be cut back after flowering to strengthen the plant. The flower bud of the poppy opens into a magnificent bloom that enhances the garden.

Poppy Flower

The poppy flower is admired not only for its beauty but also for its symbolic meaning. In the language of flowers, the red poppy often represents passion and love, while the white poppy symbolizes innocence and purity. Corn poppy is often considered a symbol of sleep and death, but also of peace and remembrance. Some poppy varieties have pink hues, which look particularly elegant. The blossoms of the silk poppy are especially delicate and beautiful.

FAQs about Poppy Flowers

1. How tall can a poppy flower grow?

The poppy flower can reach a height of 40 to 70 cm. Some varieties, such as the oriental poppy, can grow up to 60 cm. The 'Shirley Double' variety reaches a height of 50 cm.

2. Which parts of the poppy flower are toxic?

The opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is toxic due to its alkaloids. Especially the milk sap can be harmful to health. Consuming opium poppy can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

3. Where does the name "corn poppy" come from?

The corn poppy, also known as corn rose, is native to the temperate regions. It is known for its bright red flowers. The corn poppy was formerly called silk poppy because its petals are silky soft.

4. How should I sow poppy seeds?

When sowing poppy seeds, it's important to sow them directly on site. The seeds should be lightly covered with soil and watered regularly until they germinate. Poppy seeds are light-sensitive and should not be sown too deep.

5. Are poppy flowers edible?

Some types of poppies have edible petals that can be used in salads. Poppy oil is also extracted from the seeds. Poppy seeds can be used as a decoration for foods.

6. How do I properly care for poppy plants?

The care of poppy flowers is simple. They need a sunny location and well-drained soil. Avoid waterlogging. After flowering, the flower stems should be cut back.

7. When does the corn poppy bloom?

The blooming period of the corn poppy is between May and July. The flowers are striking and available in various colors. Corn poppy often has semi-double flowers.

8. Are all poppy varieties annuals?

No, there are also perennial varieties like the oriental poppy, which can grow at the same location for several years. Poppy can also be biennial.

9. What are the characteristics of the oriental poppy?

The oriental poppy has large, showy flowers and can grow up to 60 cm tall. It blooms in vibrant colors and is perennial. Its flowers often have a double flower casing.

10. What is the best location for poppy plants?

The ideal location for poppy plants is sunny and well-drained. Poppy plants prefer a location without waterlogging. It is important to note that the soil should be slightly acidic to neutral.

Card Text Templates for Sending

Card texts you can use when sending poppies, simply copy and paste into the card text when sending.

Version 1.

Dear [Name],

I hope this bouquet of poppies brings a smile to your face and makes your heart leap. Poppies are a symbol of love, happiness, and hope, and I hope this bouquet fills you with all these feelings.

I am grateful to have you in my life and look forward to sharing many more wonderful moments with you. I hope this bouquet reminds you of how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Version 2.

Dear [Name],

With this bouquet of poppies, I want to show you how much I appreciate you and how much you mean to me. Poppies symbolize not only beauty and grace but also love and affection.

I am thankful to have you in my life and that we share so many beautiful moments together. I hope this bouquet reminds you of how much you mean to me and how much I love you.

I wish you a wonderful day and hope this bouquet of poppies brings a smile to your face.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]