Bouquet of roses Red Diamond Deluxe (60cm)
Ostrich size: normal
- Zu diesem Strauß bekommst du gratis Lindt Schokolade
- Blumen mit 7-Tage-Frischegarantie
- Vom Lieferservice in einer aufrecht stehenden Box geliefert
Order Red Diamond Deluxe rose bouquet online
Red Naomi, or as we affectionately call them"Red Diamonds", are wonderful red roses with a total length of approx. 60cm per rose.
A bunch of 15 roses makes a large bouquet that is unique in its rose splendour and lives up to the name of the Red Diamond bouquet.
Order a premiumrose bouquet here and give the gift of royal roses with FlowersDeluxe.
Large-headed blooms like diamonds, a deep red colour like the colour of love and a wonderfulfragrance characterise the unique high quality of the Red Naomi.
A beautiful bouquet of roses that says more than a thousand words and does justice to the occasion.
Individualenquiries are of course possible and will be answered as quickly as possible.